The Fear Of A Business Recession In The United States: How outsourcing to India will help you

February 20, 2023

The Fear Of A Business Recession In The United States: How outsourcing to India will help you

Outsourcing to India has been a famous and viable plan of action for organizations to reduce expenses, accomplish versatility for development and tap into the wanted skill for the past few years.

With regards to outsourcing, there are numerous other Asian nations, for example, China and the Philippines that are preferred. Yet, India stays the top outsourcing destination – particularly with regard to outsourcing software development.

A big part of all Fortune 500 firms prefer outsourcing to Indian software companies according to discoveries by the National Association of Software & Service Companies (NASSCOM).

All in all, are you also considering India for outsourcing services?

In this detailed blog post, we’ve gathered all the information that you should be aware of about outsourcing to India beginning with how outsourcing to India works and the different types of outsourcing models to look over.

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is the practice of getting specific business assignments and exercises performed beyond your in-house structure. Usually, this involves capabilities, errands, tasks, and exercises that are non-center to your business.

For instance, you are participating in outsourcing when you get your total or part of your mobile application development project performed by an outsider seller or service provider.

Or on the other hand when you team up with an outside software dev organization to give you specialists to deal with your undertaking.

Why Do Companies Outsource?

The worldwide outsourcing market is valued at $92.5 billion and will just keep on developing and growing as additional organizations understand the advantages of outsourcing.

All in all, for what reason do organizations prefer outsourcing? A study uncovered the most well-known purposes behind outsourcing which includes:

Taking into account the advantages outsourcing offers that might be of some value, it reveals why large organizations and new companies outsource specific business undertakings. Outsourcing can be a successful answer to fuel your business development on limited revenue.

Types of Outsourcing

With regards to outsourcing, you’ll run over three terms that are conversely utilized: onshore, nearshore, and offshore. Be that as it may, they are not something very similar.

In this blog, we will clear the disarray by grasping the contrast between them:


It’s a course of contracting out specific business undertakings and services to an outside merchant within the country.

However, onshore outsourcing guarantees less social contrasts and simplicity of correspondence when compared with nearshoring and offshoring, it usually brings about significant expenses and a restricted pool of ability.


It’s a course of finishing work by an outsider merchant situated in a close-by country at a similar timezone.

Like onshoring, nearshoring guarantees less social contrasts yet when compared with offshoring, it results on the higher side of the costs.


It’s a cycle wherein an organization moves specific business undertakings to its middle in an alternate country.

One more model of offshoring is the point at which an organization holds hands with an outside offshore organization. The offshoring organization gives the framework, support, and offshore assets/groups that straightforwardly work with the client.

Offshoring is most predominant in the IT business because of a deficiency of IT experts in the local market.

A new review expressed that an incredible 69% of organizations in the USA faced trouble in filling positions in 2020 and tech jobs are among the top ten hardest positions to fill.

Subsequently, it’s nothing unexpected to see US organizations outsourcing around 300,000 positions abroad yearly.

Outsourcing to India Stats That You Ought to Keep an Eye on

Today, there are numerous nations like China and the Philippines giving fierce competition to India. Be that as it may, India has figured out how to rise as the top outsourcing destination on the planet. Need numbers? Read further!

  • As per the A.T. Kearney 2019 Global Services Location Index, India positions as the #1 outsourcing country on the planet.
  • An incredible 80% of European and US outsourcing firms positioned India as the #1 outsourcing destination.
  • A new study by Deloitte featured that 59% of organizations are already outsourcing to India and 22% of organizations are making arrangements for a similar cause a bit later in the future.

5 Benefits of Outsourcing to India

We should now view a portion of the vital benefits of outsourcing to India and comprehend the reason why the nation has risen as the leading destination for outsourcing, particularly software development outsourcing.

1. Admittance to a Tremendous Talent Pool

One of the essential justifications for why organizations like to outsource to Indian organizations is the result of the accessibility of a huge and shifted pool of gifted skills and abilities.

Here are a few numbers that demonstrate India has the world’s biggest talent pool:

  • India produces over 3.1 million graduates, 300,000 postgraduates and more than 500,000 engineering students graduate from Indian engineering colleges and universities consistently.
  • Consistently, over 200,000 engineering graduates join the Indian IT labor force.
  • Multiple million (4 million+) IT experts work directly in Indian IT organizations and 10 million by implication.
  • More than 40% of the Indian IT experts will be prepared in rising technologies like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and augmented reality in the coming 4 years.
  • By 2024, India will have the world’s largest developer base.

Hence, no big surprise that overall tech giants like Google and Microsoft have their innovative work (Research and development) centers in India. Organizations going from big business level to youthful new companies are outsourcing to India because of the simple accessibility of gifted assets.

Whether you really want to employ a Laravel engineer, Flutter application developer, or Python developer, you can undoubtedly track down an IT proficient with the desired mastery from India.

2. Elite IT Foundation

Software development organizations in India that proposition web, immobile, and product development services have best-in-class development focuses outfitted with the most recent advances in technology.

Likewise, most Indian firms boast high-speed web data transfer capacity to work with steady and uninterrupted communication and backing for their worldwide clients. In this way, they are perceived as conveying top-notch software services and solutions to their clients.

3. Consistent Communication

India is presently the second-biggest English-speaking country across the globe.

Subsequently, engineers and developers in India don’t simply have a specialized range of abilities but, even magnificent communication astuteness. Also, they are even masters of utilizing overall normal coordinated effort apparatuses, for example, Slack to guarantee consistent communication.

You can outsource software development projects to India without agonizing over communication issues with your offshore software development team.

4. Cost Investment funds

The expense of recruiting remote developers from India is low when compared with the expense of employing developers in other developed nations.

Likewise, when you outsource to software development organizations in India, you save money on office space, foundation, and team building development which prompts a huge decrease in operational expense.

5. Supportive Government Approach (Policies)

For the IT business, the public authority of India has supportive approaches. The Information Technology Act and other IT policies in India empower the development of the IT business and make it easy for western organizations to team up with Indian IT organizations.

Outsourcing to India Versus In-House Development

On the off chance that you’re actually torn regarding whether you ought to outsource to India or recruit an in-house group, below is a speedy outline of employing in-house developers as opposed to outsourcing to India. Take a look and see the reason why the latter choice is a mutually beneficial arrangement for organizations while considering all the factors.


In-House Development

Outsourcing Development to India




Time to Market






Tech Expertise


Access to emerging technologies

Staff Turnover




Seamless Communication

Communication gap could be possible due to difference in time zone and language barriers

As you can see outsourcing to India has numerous advantages over building an in-house team, along these lines it is not a big surprise as to why this practice has become so predominant.

What Services Can Be Outsourced to India?

You can outsource any business errand, process, or function to an outside merchant in India for as long as there is the practicality of the transfer of information.

Today, there are many processes and services that organizations all over the planet outsource to India – from HR and finance handling to IT benefits. Organizations commonly outsource those undertakings that are non-center to their business.

“Do what you do best and outsource the rest.” – Peter Drucker

According to the 2019 Small Business BPO Study, the most commonly outsourced services are IT services and accounting.

As India has a huge pool of gifted IT talent, organizations all over the planet outsource their software development necessities and IT services to India. The following is the list of a portion of the normal IT benefits that are outsourced to Indian organizations:

Mobile Application Development

Do you have an incredible startup application idea that could upset the business you need to take advantage of? You can outsource total application development to the right specialists to make your idea an effective reality.

Web Development

Many organizations outsource their different web development requirements to Indian software development organizations.

It incorporates UI/UX designs, site development, web application advancement, content management system (CMS) advancement, online marketplace development, e-commerce development, and from there, the sky is the limit.

Software Testing and QA

Another normal IT benefits that organizations outsource to India incorporates software testing and quality engineering to guarantee the fruitful launch of their digital products.

There are various justifications for why organizations outsource QA services to educated authorities – which incorporate guaranteeing the fruitful bug-free launch of their digital products and quicker time to advertise.

Enterprise Arrangements

Enterprises outsource a few venture arrangements – inheritance application modernization, application maintenance and back support, application relocation, endeavor application testing, and combination – to fast-track their digital transformation journey.

Digital Marketing

With additional organizations understanding the requirement for digital marketing for business development, outsourcing digital marketing services has also turned into a common thing.

How DS Web Technologies Can Help You?

DS Web Technologies is a worldwide leading provider of IT solutions and services for clients around the world. Our team of 45+ skilled developers, engineers, testers, business analysts, advisors, and different specialists is at the front line of assisting organizations with their extraordinary thoughts.

A portion of the advantages of joining forces with DS Web Technologies includes:

  • Adaptable and different commitment models – fixed-cost, time and material, employ devoted engineers/teams, and BOT.
  • Complete managerial help – from onboarding to finance for your remote assets.
  • We safeguard your delicate information and assist you with ensuring that your IP rights are in safe hands.
  • Admittance to master-checked developers who are specialists in web development, mobile application development, software development, MVP development, software testing, emerging technologies, and much more.
  • Time-zone-aligned developers around the ideal tech stack

Intrigued? All you really need to do is to share your prerequisites with us and one of our specialists will get in touch with you with impeccably paired developers for your venture.


Considering the previously mentioned benefits of outsourcing to India, no wonder why the nation has turned into the preferred outsourcing destination for business across the globe.

Outsourcing software development to India empowers organizations to get top-notch (first-class) products created cost-effectively while guaranteeing more focus on center competencies.

By keeping the tips referenced above to defeat outsourcing challenges and teaming up with the right outsourcing accomplice, getting accomplishment with outsourcing to India is sure.


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